Seminars in educational sciences

 Seminar 1: How to teach biology in effective and funny ways?

The seminar was based on transferring experiences of teaching biology gained form 13 years of teaching in different countries to students of preschool and primary education programs. To teach biology needs patience and long way to go. Students should be focused on real life instances to explain topics. Students should aware that they need biology in their life.The seminar included and dealt with such issues as understanding oneself as a teacher, understanding students, planning of a lesson and using materials to conduct the lesson. The classroom management was one of the important parts of the seminar. The lecturer provided some real life instances to clarify the classroom management in different conditions.

Seminar 2. Why should we teach physics?

Knowledge is gained through experimentation rather than classical education, because students will learn better in this way, the learning outcomes will be permanent through experiments, the physics lessons is taught through numerous experiments, In the workshop  ten different experiments were carried out to demonstrate experimental learning. The students liked the lessons and tried to learn by themselves, the students did not find it difficult to forget what they learned because they learned by watching, they were involved in educational activities and this helped them better understand, and the students received more pleasure thereby receiving permanent knowledge.

Seminar 3.  The laws of Memory

In the seminar the presenter talked about the five laws of memory, how the brain operates in terms of learning, understanding and committing to memory and also light was shed on the types of memory and  the work division between them.In addition to this the seminar also addressed the best strategies for memorizing things. The first part  of the seminar was an introduction with videos about some famous people that memorize things very well. People have different type of memorizing  strategies and mnemonic strategies starting  from memorizing by figures and ending up by repeating a couple of minutes in order to memorize. But there areseveral different  strategies on the way how to best momorize things. The professor demonstrated to the students these things. In the end the professor made a game that had excellent effects on the memorization skills of the students.

Seminar 4. Best presentations of the students in the Research Methods Seminar

Students that attended the Research methods course in the Fall semester of academic year 2015-2016, have been studying on different research topics during all semester. 16 students’ (out of 24 students) presented in front of the PRd students their research in the workshop!

Presentations were focused mainly on the evaluation of the research topic, research aim, research problem, hypothesis and research questions, field research process, difficulties faced during the research and the conclusions part! Each presentation’s duration was 15 minutes, including even the questions from the audience.

Seminar 5. Children's Literature

In two last weeks of this academic year the students of PRD of the third year helped and with the suggestion of the professor Dr. Brikena Smajli prepared a workshop entitled “Children’s literature, pedagogical and educational values”, pointing out the important role of children’s literature on elementary education curriculum, and to the process of education in general.

Interesting was the presentation of Merve Seyyar, Hatice Alan and Elif Ozkul on Turkish childrens authors, unknown for Albanian students such as Omer Seyfedin, Fatih Erdogan.Albanian students except for the presentation of children’s literature in Albanian, in the serial of Cufo’s adventures, presented another experience for their future teachings.  They were focused on the main question raised: “Which would be the author or the book I should suggest and introduce to my future pupils?”This were the exact motivation for the different presentation of Pinocchio of Carlo Colodi, Alice in Wonderland of Lewis Carol, Tom Sayer’ adventures of Mark Twain, 5 weeks in a balloon of Jules Verne and Peter Pan of James Barry,

How we can introduce to children our fairy tales? Seen by educational point of view was also the work done by Merve Drangoy on personality and tales of Nasrudin Hoca.