The Bachelor Program in Preschool and Primary Education offers education and formation for all those students interested on building their professional career as teachers of preschool and primary education, thereby also enabling them to further their career as researchers and scholars in the field of pedagogy.
Duration of the Studies and ECTS
The Bachelor Program in Preschool and Primary Education develops in three academic years and respectively in 6 semesters. Upon completion of this cycle of study, students should have 180 ECTS in order to be granted the right to receive a Bachelor’s Diploma in Preschool and Primary Education.
Diploma issued
“Bachelor Diploma in Preschool and Primary Education”
Program Objectives
Among the main objectives of the program can be mentioned: equipping students with basic knowledge of the field of preschool and primary education, with professional skills, with general civic education ,basic skills for research work, general practical and applied skills and skills for personal promotion. The program also aims at the achievement of high levels of academic skills, competence and applied knowledge for the students enabling them to suit to the market requirements and to feel accomplished personally and professionally and formed as dignified citizens of a global and dynamic society.
Program Outcomes
The program aims to develop in students:
(1) the ability to promote excellence in teaching, research and service to the community through an educational philosophy that has got universal values at its basis.
(2) the ability to build professional relationships of cooperation with students and others.
(3) the ability to develop knowledge of the curriculum and design it while respecting the diversity of students and of teaching strategies.
(4) the ability to develop assessment techniques in accordance to the approved and adopted requirements, standards and procedures;
(5) the ability to create a positive emotional and educational environment in compliance with and respectful of the professional ethics.
Recruitment opportunities
Upon completion of the study program Bachelor in Preschool and Primary Education, students
-Can be recruited as teachers of preschool and primary education in different public and private institutions.
-Can be recruited as educational specialists or members of leading public and private educational structures.