Following the series of workshops of the Counseling Psychology and Pedagogy program, this week’sinvited speakerwas psychologist Katerina Stefani. Mrs. Stefaniholds a bachelor degree in Psychology with a specialization in Organizational and SchoolPsychology in the University of Tirana. She is also graduating from theSchool of Psychotherapyin Pristina, Kosovo, led by Professor Moshe Landsman from Israel. She has completed a master’s in the field of Management of Social Institutions and Criminalityat the University of Tirana. Regarding her professional work, she is affiliated with the Institute of Psychological Services and the court working with divorce cases at the probation office. In the field of psychotherapy, she is focused on the implementation of Cognitiveand Behavioral and Therapy, which is also one of the most popular therapies today used extensively in the field of psychotherapy. During the workshop she made an introduction to this therapy and then she integrated it with other therapies similar to that. By bringing different cases, the participants took the basic knowledge of this therapy and they posed different questions, converting the workshop into an interactive discussion. The students showed great interest and by the end of the workshop they established contacts with her to obtain more information about this therapy as well as other related ones.