On 08 June 2016 in the premises of “Hëna e Plotë” Bedër University ,the Faculty of Philology and Department of Educational Sciences organised the 3rd international workshop in educational sciences IWES 2016, entitled "Perspectives of the development of the curricula for the teacher preparation programs and the role of higher education". In this workshop patercipated deans, heads of department and lecturers of the Faculties of Education and of the Faculties of the Social Sciences, education specialists and contributors in the field of curriculum development and design and representatives from different teacher preparation faculties in Albania.
Part of this workshop was also a panel with presentations of the contributions of the participants on issues of curriculum development and design for teacher preparation programs, the approaches to be adopted for the reformation of the teacher preparation curricula in preschool and primary education, and presentations on the role performed by higher education public and private institutions in this regard. The workshop was shaped in the form of a round table discussion among stakeholders and specialists in the field of curriculum development and higher education development, and was conlsuded with a series of findings and reccommendations regarding the problematics the higher education curricula is faced with , and possibilities for the organisation of follow up activities in the field of higher education curriculum development