Publikime nga stafi

Publikime nga stafi 2012 - 2013

1 Ecirli, A., “Preschool Education in Socialization of the Child”, Conference Proceedings, AICE, 1st Albania International Conference on Educational Sciences, December 2012, ISBN 978-9928-133-02-1, Tirana-Albania
2 Ecirli, A., Multiculturalism and Curriculum Development in Education, WCCI, Turkish Chapter, 1st International Conference on Education, Baskent University, Ankara-Turkey, Nov. 2012
3 Ecirli, A., “An Overview of Social Media, Internet and Their Impacts on Child”, ICES II: 2nd International Conference on Educational Sciences “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, March 2013, Hëna e Plotë “BEDËR” University, Tirana/Albania
4 Ecirli, A., Keynote, “A Sociological Overview of Technology Integrated English Teaching” 3rd International Conference: Across and Beyond English Language, April 2013, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës – Albania
5 Ecirli, A., “A Comparative Look at the Spirituality in Higher Education University Students’ Search for Meaning and Purpose; Albania & USA”, European Journal of Scientific Research, pp. 175-184, Volume 103 Issue 2, ISSN 1450-216X / 1450-202X
6 Ecirli, A., Research Project Coordinator, EU FP7, EUCROSS Survey, Universita Degli Studi Gabriele D’annunzio, Chieti e Pescara, February  -March 2013
7 Ecirli, A., “Globalization, Cultural Conflict or Intercultural Dialogue - Huntington or Fukuyama", European Journal of Social Sciences, pp. 337-345, Volume 39 No 3, Aug, 2013, ISSN 1450-2267
8 Ecirli, A., “Balkan Nations and the position of Turkey”, International Conference “Balkans Between East and West”, June 2013 Prizren- Kosova
9 Ecirli, A., “Ethical Dilemmas of Applied Sociology and Anthropology”, European Conference of Social Science Research, June 2013, Istanbul – Turkey
10 Ecirli, A., Dobre, E., M., “Creative Entrepreneurship – Universities as Essential Means of Stimulating Growth Poles: Romania as a Case”, ICTHE 2013, The 3rd International Congress on Trends in Higher Education: “Innovative and Entrepreneurial University”, May - June 2013, Fatih University, İstanbul, Turkey
11 Ecirli, A., “Challenges and Opportunities of Being a Young University”, ICTHE 2013, The 3rd International Congress on Trends in Higher Education: “Innovative and Entrepreneurial University”, May - June 2013, Fatih University, İstanbul, Turkey
12 Ecirli, A., Dobre, E., Dobrescu, M. E, “Human Resources in European Market in the Past Decade: A Sociological overview”, Romanian Journal of Sociology ISSN 1224-9262 (Accepted for fall 2013) .
13 Ecirli, A., Associate researcher, Institute of Sociology, Academia Romana, Research Program 2012, Social Problems in Rural Areas: 2011- 2013
14 Ecirli, A., Editor in Chief, BJES
15 Ecirli, A., Coordinator, ICES II
16 Ecirli, A., Coordination of Exchange Programmes, etc.
16 Guleker Rudina. Attendance and Performance “First International Conference on Education”. CDE, 7-8 December 2012, Tirana-Albania
17 Guleker Rudina. Empowering ELLs by teaching how to ask questions “Qatar TESOL Conference”, 13-14 April, 2013, Doha-Qatar
18 Omeri Arti, Conflict and communication in classroom, BJES; ISSN: 2306-0557;  Vol 2, No. 1, April 2013
19 Omeri Arti, Obstacles in Educational Communication, Konferenca Nderkombetare  “Digital Culture, Media and Education”, 30 Tetor 2012, South-West University “Neofit Rilski”. Blagoevgrad, Bulgari
20 Omeri Arti, Distance Learning, types of distance education and the delivery methods, Konferenca Nderkombetare “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, 29 – 30 Mars 2013, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
21 Yurt Gülay; “Yabancılara Türkçe Dilbilgisi (Fiil Çatısı) Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri” Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi Çalıştay Programı, 25 Mayıs 2013 Hëna e Plotë Beder University Tirana/Albania
22 Yurt Gülay and Balaban Adem;An e-Syllabus Model For the Turkish Language and Literature”; 2 nd International Conference On Educatıonal Scıences Information and Communication Technologies in Education”29-30, March 2013 Hëna e Plotë Beder University Tirana/Albania
23 Yurt Gülay and Balaban Adem  “The Place of the Game in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language”; 2 nd International Conference On Educatıonal ScıencesInformation and Communication Technologies in Education29-30, March 2013 Hëna e Plotë Beder University Tirana/Albania
24 Yurt Gülay;“Sprititual Crisis During Modernization” 2nd International Conference on Humanities Hëna e Plotë Bedir University Tirana, Albania; 17-19 May 2012
25 Yurt Gülay; “Saraybosna Halkının Batıl İnanışları Hakkında Bir Derleme-İnceleme” International Burch University Eğitim Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğretmenliği Bölümü I. Uluslararası Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Kongresi 17-19 Mayıs 2013 Saraybosna, Bosna Hersek  
26 Yurt Gülay;The Place Of The Game In Teaching Turkish As a Foreign Language” BJES Beder University Journal of Educational Sciences ISSN 2306-0557(Print) Vol 2, No. 1, April 20137””
27 Yurt Gülay; “The resources and problems of theater in Turkey: review on thetheatre literature during ‘sıngle party’ period”
3° International Conference on Human and Social Sciences ICHSS 2013 , La Sapienza University of Rome and MCSER, September 20-22, Rome, Italy
28 Yurt Gülay; “The resources and problems of theater in Turkey: review on thetheatre literature during ‘sıngle party’ period”,  Mediterrnaen Journal of Social Sciences,  ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340(Print), Index Copernicus Year 2011 Impact Factor 3.77; Vol 4; No 9, October 2013
29 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj.  Migration as a Complex Phenomena of Identity and Social Integration: A sociological View on Albanian Migration Case, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, ISSN 2281-461 (online) ISSN 2281-3993(PRINT), Global Impact Factor Indexed; Vol 2; No 9, October 2013
30 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. A sociological view of Alienation youth perceptions from Traditional Culture towards Modern Culture: Albanian Culture Case;  Faculty of Arts and  Sciences; Journal of Social Sciences;  ISSN: 1300-9435, August, 2013 Sayi 29,ss 135-150
31 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Urbanizimi, Vendbanimet dhe Imigrimi: Identiteti Urban Pas Viteve 1990 Ne Shoqerine Shqipetare; Zani i Nalte; Issue 3; Qeshor 2013; ISSN 2305-655X
32 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Technology as a Dichotomy between Transformation of Society and Education: Albanian Society Case; BJES; ISSN: 2306-0557;  Vol 2, No. 1, April 2013
33 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Migration as a Complex Phenomena of Identity and Social Integration: A sociological View on Albanian Migration Case, 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS 2013, La Sapienza University of Rome and MCSER, September 20-22, Rome, Italy
34 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Religion and Spirituality as important issues on Social Capital: Albanian Society Case ,2nd International Conference on Humanities, Tirana,  Albania 17th May, 2013
35 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Technology as a Dichotomy between Transformation of Society and Education: Albanian Society Case; 2nd International Conference on Education Sciences; Tirana,  Albania; 17-19 May 2013
36 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. A Sociological View on Impacts of Minority Rights in EU and Migration, Second  International Young Researchers Conference on Law,Tirana,  Albania, 19-20 April,  2013
37 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Causes of Emigration in East Europe: Albanian Emigration Case, AIS, 3rd International Conference, Vlore, Albania, November 2012
38 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Assistant Editor at BJES Academic Journal Vol 1, No 1;/ Vol 2, No. 1
39 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Editor of  ICES 2013 Proceedings Book,  Tirana 2013
40 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Executive Committee Member at: 2nd Conference on Educational Sciences "Information and Communication Technologies in Education" ICES 2013   
41 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Invited as Chair of Migration Issue Section at International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS 2013, La Sapienza University of Rome and MCSER, September 20-22, Rome, Italy
42 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Gjithmone Shpirterisht dhe Fizikisht te Rinj; Workshop; 12 December 2012; Shoqata a Horizontet e Reja
43 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Learning Techniques and Stress Management, Workshop Mehmet Akif  College, 15 November, 2012
44 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Potenciali i Familjes Dhe Fesë Te Kapitali Social i   Shoqërisë Turke ; Lente Sociologjike; Issue 2; Korrik-Dhjetor  2012; ISSN 222-2962
45 Shaqiri Matilda Likaj. Administrimi i procesit të akreditimit si kryetare e grupit të vetëvlerësimit ne programin e Arsimit Parashkollor dhe Fillor, si dhe dhënia e kontributit në akreditimin e institucionit.
46 Uka Ana. (Conference Coordinator). The 2nd International Conference on Educational Sciences “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, “Hena e Plote” Beder University. Tirana, Albania. 29 - 30 March, 2013.
47 Uka Ana.  Motivation, Time Management and Learning. Workshop organized for the students of medrese “Mahmud A. Dashi”, Tirana, Albania, November, 2012.
48  Uka Ana. Domestic violence and its effect on parenting in the transition societies: A case of Albania”, AIS. Vlora, Albania. November 2012.
49 Uka Ana.  &  R. Mersini The Community’s supporting role on the Albanian orphans’ school performance. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Research and Education: “Challenges Toward the Future”, ICRAE. “Luigj Gurakuqi” University of Shkodra, Albania. 24-25 May, 2013.
50  Uka Ana. The Impact of crises on developing a spiritual identity from a humanistic approach. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Humanities: “Crises and Spirituality”, ICH. “Hena e Plote” – Beder University, Tirana, Albania. 17-19 May, 2013.
51 Ecirli, A. &  Uka Ana.  (2012). A Review on the Spiritual Values of the Education System in Turkish Colleges: A Case of Albania. Beder Journal of Humanities 1(1), 23-33.
52  Uka Ana. (2012). Motivational factors of graduate students pursuing a master’s degree. Beder Journal of Educational Sciences, 1(1), 15-23.
53 Uka Uka.,  R., Guleker, &  R. Mersini, A Case study on the vulnerability of university students on internet addiction: Beder University. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Educational Sciences “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, “Hena e Plote” Beder University. Tirana, Albania. 29 - 30 March, 2013.
54 Uka Ana.  Motivation, Time Management and Learning. Workshop organized for the students of medrese “Abdullah Zemblaku”, Korca, Albania, December, 2012.
55 Uka Ana. Discipline issues among children aged 3-6. Workshop organized for the parents of “Mehmet Akif” kindergarten, Tirana, Albania, March, 2013.
56 Uka Ana . (August, 2012). Invited as a psychologist at “With the Eye of  the Heart” program. The topic: Children’s Education”, 24th session, Ora News TV, Tirana, Albania.
57 Uka Ana.  (2013). Study skills among high school students: An exploratory study of private high schools in Albania. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(7), 17-23.
58 Uka Ana . Study skills among high school students: An exploratory study of private high schools in Albania. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS. La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2013.
59 Uka Ana . Invited chair for the session “Culture and Anthropology” at the 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS. La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September 2013.
60 Oksuz, S., Ugur, H., & Uka, A. Online Academic Counseling in Higher Education. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Educational Sciences “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, “Hena e Plote” Beder University. Tirana, Albania. 29 - 30 March, 2013.
61 Uka Ana. Administrimi i procesit të akreditimit si kryetare e grupit të vetëvlerësimit dhe dhënia e kontributit në akreditimin e institucionit.
62 Çağlayan Bünyamin. Hasan Hüseyin DEMİR , LULİ, Faik; DİZDARİ, İslam (2002). Arnavutça Mevlitler (Mevludet Në Gjuhën Shqipe), kodra-Arnavutluk (Shkodër): Camaj-Pipa Yayınevi, 712 s. ISBN 99927-41-75-9, DEDE KORKUT Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Dergisi, cilt 2, sayı 1, s. 113-119
63 Çağlayan Bünyamin. DÜNYA KÜLTÜR MİRASI OLAN EL YAZMALARI, The Second International Symposium of Turkology, (12-14 September 2012), Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw
64 Çağlayan Bünyamin.  Balaban Adem, Arnavutluk Devlet Kütüphanesi’ndeki (Biblioteka Kombëtare)Türkçe Yazma Mecmualar, Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, Volume 8/1, Winter 2013, p. 215-235, ANKARA-TURKEY
65 Çağlayan Bünyamin.  Balaban Adem, NAZİM  DİVANINDA İSTEK ÜZERİNE YAZILAN ŞİİRLER, Uluslararası Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Kongresi,  17-19.05.2013, Saraybosna, BOSNA-HERSEK
66 Çağlayan Bünyamin.  Balaban Adem,  Çalışkan Adem, Türkçe Olimpiyatlarının Türkçe ve Türk Kültürüne Katkısı, Uluslararası Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Kongresi,  17-19.05.2013, Saraybosna, BOSNA-HERSEK
67 Çağlayan Bünyamin.  Balaban Adem, CEM’î’NİN PODGORİCA VE İŞKODRA ŞEHRENGİZLERİ, Doğunun Batısı Batının Doğusu Uluslararası Balkanlar Konferansı, 05.06.201308.06.2013, PRİZREN/KOSOVA
68 Çağlayan Bünyamin. RİDDLES İN POİNT OF EDUCATİON ICES 2012 (The International Conference on Education Sciences and Technology 2012) - Challenges and Quality Development in Higher Education, 22.06.2013-23. 06 2103, Tiran, ALBANIA
69 Çağlayan Bünyamin. ŞEMSEDDİN SAMİ’NİN TÜRK DİLİ VE TÜRKÇE SÖZLÜKLER HAKKINDAKİ GÖRÜŞLERİ, Dilbilimci Tahir Dizdari ve Arnavut Dili İçin Türkologlar”, İşkodra Yunus Emre Türk Kültür Merkezi, İşkodra Luigj Gurakuqi Üniversitesi, 31 Ocak 2013, İşkodra
70 Balaban, Adem.  “Arnavutluk Devlet Kütüphanesindeki (Biblioteka Kombëtare) Türkçe Yazma Mecmualar” Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, Volume 8/1, Winter 2013, p. 215-235, ANKARA-TURKEY, ISSN 1308-2140 (Dr. Bünyamin Çağlayan ile)
71 Balaban, Adem.  “Romanın Maneviyatta Oynadığı Rol Açısından “Kara Kitap” ve “Aşk”, Beder Journal Of Humanities, Volume 1/1 Spring 2013, Tirana-Albania, ISSN 2306-6083
72 Balaban, Adem.  “An e-Syllabus Model For the Turkish Language and Literature Departments” BJES (Beder University Journal of Educational Sciences), Volume 2/1 Spring 2013, Tirana-Albania, ISSN 2306-0557
73 Balaban, Adem.  “İki Ülke Arasında Kültür Köprüsü, Bir Adanmışlık Öyküsü: Makbule Fatma Hanım”  Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi Cilt/Volume 2, Sayı/Number 1  Temmuz/July 2013, 101-109. (Sadullah Yılmaz ile)
74 Balaban, Adem.  “Türkçeden Arnavutçaya Geçen Kelimelerdeki Ses Değişmeleri” VII. ULUSLARARASI TÜRK DİLİ KURULTAYI, 24-28 Eylül 2012, Ankara-TURKEY,
75 Balaban, Adem.  “İki Ülke Arasında Kültür Köprüsü, Bir Adanmışlık Öyküsü: Makbule Fatma Hanım”  I. ULUSLARARASI BALKAN KONGRESİ,  24 - 26 Eylül 2012, İstanbul-Turkey, ISBN: 978-605-63388-0-9 (Sadullah Yılmaz ile)
76 Balaban, Adem.  “An e-Syllabus Model For the Turkish Language and Literature Departments” 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, March 29-30, 2013, Tirana-Albania, ISBN: 978-9928-4120-2-7 (Gülay Yurt ile)
77 Balaban, Adem.  “The Place of the Game in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language” 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, “Information and Communication Technologies in Education”, March 29-30, 2013, Tirana-Albania, ISBN: 978-9928-4120-2-7 (Gülay Yurt ile)
78 Balaban, Adem.  “Kriz Yönetiminde Dil Kullanımı” 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANITIES, “Crisess and Spirituality”, 11-13 May 2012, Tirana-Albania
79 Balaban, Adem.  “Türkçe Olimpiyatlarının Türkçe ve Türk Kültürüne Katkısı, ULUSLARARASI TÜRK DİLİ VE EDEBİYATI KONGRESİ, 17-19 Mayıs 2013, Saraybosna-Bosna Hersek (Dr. Bünyamin Çağlayan ile)
80 Balaban, Adem.  “Nezim’in İstek Üzerine Yazılan Gazelleri” ULUSLARARASI TÜRK DİLİ VE EDEBİYATI KONGRESİ, 17-19 Mayıs 2013, Saraybosna-Bosna Hersek (Dr. Bünyamin Çağlayan ile)
81 Balaban, Adem.   Cem’î’nin Podgorica ve İşkodra Şehrengizleri, Doğunun Batısı Batının Doğusu Uluslararası Balkanlar Konferansı, 05.06.2013-08.06.2013, PRİZREN/KOSOVA (Dr. Bünyamin Çağlayan ile)
82 Balaban, Adem.  “Tahir Dizdari’nin Sözlüğü”, LEKSİKOGRAF TAHİR DİZDARİ VE ARNAVUT DİLİ İÇİN TÜRKOLOGLAR KONFERANSI, 31 Ocak 2013, İşkodra-Arnavutluk
83 Aslan Mehmet A Different Perspective on Woolf`s Mrs. Dalloway, BJES ISSN 2306-0557; Vol 3, No. 1, 2013-10-04


Publications 2011 - 2012

1 Ahmet Ecirli. Parenting and Social Roles in Turkish Traditional Families, “Issues and Choices in Parenting for Turkish Expatriate Families living in Bucharest”(2012), Journal of Community Positive Practices, Nr. 1/2012, 36-50
2 Ahmet Ecirli.  How Turkish community integrated into Romanian Society,  “Conferinţa organizată de ICCV şi Academia” (2011), Rumani
3 Ahmet Ecirli. Intergenerational Conflict as a Socio-Educational Issue, Konferenca Nderkombetare “Challenges and Quality Development in Higher Education” 22 – 23 Qershor 2012, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
4 Ahmet Ecirli. A comperative look at the “Spirituality in Higher Education”,  Konferenca Nderkombetare “The Spiritual Quest in Humanities” 11 – 13 Maj 2012, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
5 Ahmet Ecirli. Feeling “European” and European identity. Public Perceptions in Turkey – EU Relation, “Revista Sociologie Românească”,(2011) vol. IX, nr. 1/2011, ISSN 1220 - 5389
6 Ahmet Ecirli. Editor in Chief BJES
7 Ahmet Ecirli Editor Mevlana International Journal of Educational (MIJE)
8 Ahmet Ecirli. The Impact on Students Achievement in Higher Education, Konferenca Nderkombetare “Challenges and Quality Development in Higher Education” 22 – 23 Qershor 2012, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
9 Rudina Guleker. Familiar or new: What makes ELLs read more in English, “Konferenca TESOL” 14 Prill 2012. Doha, Qatar,
10 Rudina Guleker. Critical thinking in Pre-service Teacher Education, Konferenca Nderkombetare  “Challenges and Quality Development in Higher Education”, 22 – 23 Qershor 2012, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
11 Arti Omeri, Konflikti dhe Komunikimi ne Klase,  Konferenca Nderkombetare  “Challenges and Quality Development in Higher Education”, 22 – 23 Qershor 2012, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
12 Balaban, Adem.  “Hoca Ahmed Yesevi, Yunus Emre ve Mevlana Üçgeninde İnsan Sevgisi ve Hoşgörü”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TURKISH- ROMANIAN INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE with a special session on “Identity of Woman and Family”, 18-19 May 2011,  Bucharest-Romania  ISBN 978-606-8516-00-4 (Dr. Bünyamin Çağlayan ile)
13 Adem Balaban. Romanet shpirtërorë të Orhan Pamuk’ut “Libri i Zi” dhe Elif Şafak’ut “Dashuria”, Konferenca Nderkombetare “The Spiritual Quest in Humanities” 11 –  13 Maj 2012 Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
14 Adem Balaban. Turkologu qe ka jetuar ne Shqiperi: Tahir N. Dizdari,  Konferenca Nderkombetare  “Aspektet e Perbashketa ne Kulturen Turke dhe Shqiptare” 25 – 26 Maj 2012 Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi (se bashku me Sadullah Yilmaz)
15 Adem Balaban. Zgjidhje dhe rekomandime në gjetjen e fjalëve koresponduese Turqisht për fjalët e huaja, Konference Nderkombetare, 1 Qershor 2012 Stamboll, Turqi ( )
16 Adem Balaban. The Importance of Preparing the Best Curricula at the Departments of Turkish Language and Literature,  Konferenca Nderkombetare  “Challenges and Quality Development in Higher Education”, 22 – 23 Qershor 2012, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
17 Çağlayan Bünyamin.  “Hoca Ahmed Yesevi, Yunus Emre ve Mevlana Üçgeninde İnsan Sevgisi ve Hoşgörü”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TURKISH- ROMANIAN INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE with a special session on “Identity of Woman and Family”, 18-19 May 2011,  Bucharest-Romania  ISBN 978-606-8516-00-4 (Dr. Adem Balaban ile)
18 Bünyamin Çağlayan. Këshillat e Osman Hulusit,  Konferenca Nderkombetare “The Spiritual Quest in Humanities” 11 –  13 Maj 2012 Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
19 Bünyamin Çağlayan. Mylemat e këshillit te Nezimit, Konference Nderkombetare, 12 Maj 2012 Ordu, Ordu Üniversitesi, Uluslararası Klasik Türk Edebiyatı Sempozyumu,
20 Bünyamin Çağlayan. Një vlerë e përbashkët e letërsisë Turke dhe Shqiptare: Historitë e Nasredin Hoxhës,  Konferenca Nderkombetare  “Aspektet e Perbashketa ne Kulturen Turke dhe Shqiptare” 25 – 26 Maj 2012 Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
21 Sadullah Yılmaz. Katekizmi universal i proverbave,  Konferenca Nderkombetare “The Spiritual Quest in Humanities” 11 –  13 Maj 2012 Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
22 Ana Uka. A Review on the Spiritual Values of the Education System in Turkish Colleges: A Case of Albania. (May, 2012). Paper presented at the First International Conference on Humanities, ICH 2012, Beder University, Tirane, Shqiperi.
23 Ana Uka. Motivational Factors of Graduate Students Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Education in Albania, Konferenca Nderkombetare “Challenges and Quality Development in Higher Education”, 22 – 23 Qershor 2012, Shkolla e larte “Hena e Plote” (Beder). Tirane, Shqiperi
24 Ana Uka. (August 2012) invited as a psychologist at “with the eye of Heart” program. The topic: children’s education, 24th session, Ora NEWS TV, Tirana, Albania.
25 Matilda Likaj Shaqiri,. Editor in BJES
¹ E publikuar ne emer te dy institucioneve “univ. BEDER dhe univ. EPOKA”